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Directie Vredo

Testimonial Jan-Albert

Jan-Albert Joldersma, Co-owner Agricultural Contractor Joldersma

“What this Trac shows is great class!

The brothers Jan Albert and Jan Wiebe Joldersma from Smilde, Drenthe, had never used a Vredo before, but since they switched to it with their family agricultural business last year, they will never go back to another machine. “With this machine, we can truly distinguish ourselves in the market. What this Trac shows is great class,” enthusiastically explains Jan Albert Joldersma.

“Our family business has been operating since 1987. We primarily specialize in agricultural contracting, focusing on arable farming, but we also have a manure trading and transport division,” Jan Albert explains. “In the past, we used two tractors and separate tanks for manure processing. However, as the manure trade declined and one of our employees retired, we thought we might manage with just one self-propelled unit. Since our main focus is on fertilizing arable land, we were in need of a lightweight machine with plenty of power, capable of handling large quantities of manure.”

De most powerfull self-propelled machine

Lightest self-propelled unit in the market
“In the summer of 2022, we began to explore our options. We like to do things slightly differently from our colleagues, which led us to Vredo. Their machines weren’t being used here at the time,” Jan Albert smiles. “We immediately got a Trac on trial. That inspired confidence. We even put it on the weighbridge here because we couldn’t believe the weight stated by Vredo was accurate. But it was indeed true! 16 tons empty. It’s the lightest self-propelled unit available in the market. We decided to acquire the VT4556 last year. .”

More future prospects
“We haven’t regretted the purchase for a moment. When you compare our Trac with those of the competition, no other machine comes close. Just look at the footprint of the tires, the weight per axle. Vredo scores far better in these aspects. The weight distribution is almost identical between the front and rear axles. This in turn protects and preserves the soil.. Plus, structural damage is a thing of the past. A Vredo Trac offers us so much more going forward than the competition. As contractors, we truly make a difference with this self-propelled unit.”

Beyond expectations
“Last September, we were able to work under very wet conditions without any issues. It’s truly unbelievable how smoothly the machine moves over the ground,” Jan Albert continues. “Last spring, we fertilized winter grain. Same success story. With the Trac, you can minimize soil disturbance.” Jan Albert also finds the suction arm at the front a significant advantage: “Now we can load quickly anywhere. That saves time and hassle. Yes, it really exceeds expectations in terms of what this machine can do.”

“We weren’t familiar with Vredo, but when I look at the service they provide, many manufacturers in agricultural mechanization could learn a lot from them! A concrete example: last spring, on a Saturday morning, the starter motor hesitated a bit. Saturday afternoon at 1 pm, the warehouse employee from Vredo was already here on the yard. Less than half an hour later, everything was checked and inspected. Without that service, as a contracting company, we’re nowhere. That will only become more important in the future. I’m convinced of that.”

Providing continuity
“We might only use a self-propelled unit for 8 weeks a year, but we have to earn during that period! If there’s a problem, and we’re stuck for 3 days, it’s disastrous for the business. Now that we have a Vredo Trac, we get immediate assistance and provide continuity to our clients. No, for us, no other machine will cut it.,” Jan Albert concludes firmly. The brothers Jan Albert and Jan Wiebe Joldersma from Smilde, Drenthe, had never driven a Vredo before, but since their family agricultural business made the switch last year, they have never looked back.. “With this machine, we can truly set ourselves apart in the market. What this Trac demonstrates is top-notch performance every time.” Jan Albert Joldersma enthuses.

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